MTM 2 Trucks
Here are the trucks I have created for Monster Truck
Madness 2.
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for installation instructions.
Also see the readme's in .zip files for information on using parts,
as well as credits for part creation.
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flagship in The Posse's trio of monster trucks, The Ride is one of
the most competitive trucks on the circuit. Having gotten a
recent chassis rebuild and suspension upgrade, The Ride's flashy green
and black F-150 body has been crossing the finish line first more times
than not. Although the truck's name comes from the comments of
the driver after the first test drive of the first version of this
truck, some would apply the name to the driver herself. A calm,
friendly, nice, even quiet person outside of the truck, the driver
rides an emotional rollercoaster to cold, calculating, and deadly
serious when she pulls to the line, then back to sweet and sponsor and
fan friendly as soon as the run is over. Combine the focus and
skill with the latest technology in suspension as well as a massive new
540 C.I. Merlin engine and the outcome is almost certain. The
only dent
in The Ride's armor is a freestyle approach that the driver claims is
"under development", a flaw which leads to a slightly smaller fan base
than one would expect, especially considering the stunning looks of
both truck and driver. The Posse do not care, however. The
Ride is their most lethal weapon and they are more than happy to use it.
Download The Ride!
Easily the brightest monster on the
circuit, the Ford Expedition bodied OutRageous is The Posse's testbed
truck, a machine which gets the newest equipment, like a brand new low
cradle chassis, for the sole purpose of finding its limits, both in
speed and destruction. The results lead to inconsitent finishes
and a "win or crash" record, but that makes it one of the true fan
favorites. The truck's driver is appropriately bestowed with a
lead foot, and the truck's runs are often all out and all over the
track. The driver also is a bit of a show off, playing to the
crowd every chance she gets and making sure that she holds the top spot
for most flamboyant driver. The result of the huge horsepower the
truck has and the outlandish driver are consistent top finishes in
freestyle. That depends, of course, on how the truck holds up,
and whether the driver manages to keep the truck on four wheels for a
long enough time. Even if a run is only 10 seconds long, the fans
are still sure to get a show that is truly OutRageous.
Download OutRageous!
For years, The Posse
have been known for the flamboyant OutRageous and the hardcore The
Ride, but arguably their most popular truck is the initially
unintimidating Expect No Mercy. In fact, more than anything, ENM,
as the fans call it, shows the humor that the ultra-competitve Posse
has. The wheelbase and the driver fit the same description-short,
and the name comes from the obvious lack of respect such a combination
would get. While the driver's stature is more chance than
anything, there is an interesting story to the length of the
truck. The original chassis was designed for a short wheelbase
panel van body, with coilover shocks that leaned outwards extending the
length of the truck. When the chassis was acquired by the Posse,
the plan was to stick with this setup until ENM's driver substituted in
OutRageous for one event, and liked how well the straight up nitro
shocks drove. They changed the shock setup to vertical nitros and
created a monster which is almost comically short in length. The
1966 Chevy pickup body got a neon themed black and pink paint job, and
the truck was ready for its debut. When the Posse showed up with
the small black monster, both fans and competition treated it as a
complete joke at worst and a novelty at best. They were promptly
quieted when ENM made it to the finals, and despite losing to teammate
The Ride, the Posse declared ENM's debut a success. Today, the
fans love ENM, it has more endearing qualities than most monsters and
is still considered an underdog despite many wins. The
truck recently went through a rebuild with a newer chassis (although it
retains the short wheelbase), new RaceRunner bypass shocks, and a new
Merlin engine, to ensure its
competitiveness. As the Posse
like to say, they're so nice they gave you fair warning: Expect No
No Mercy!
A light, fast,
and unpredictable machine, Mayhem Maker is running one of the oldest
setups on the circuit, a Willman style chassis with a set back front
engine. The combination is light and quick but often
unpredictable, and though the suspension has seen shock upgrades in
recent seasons, the truck is still arguably the bounciest monster on
tour. The Maker behind the mayhem is one of the sport's great
personalities. Intelligent, happy-go-lucky, and nice, but with a
tendency to be a bit airheaded on occasion, she manages to be on the
edge some of the time and over the edge the rest of the time when
driving. While her racing stats have suffered in recent times,
her freestyle average is an astounding 26.8 out of 30, the highest of
all trucks on the circuit. This is a credit to that old-school
chassis design, which keeps the truck together and on all fours
somehow, despite being thrown around on the floor and jumped into the
stratosphere. The wicked freestyles and the cartoony purple,
green, and white paintjob makes the truck a hit with the kids, though
nearly everone on the circuit gives the Maker its due. In a sport
where image is everything, Mayhem Maker is one of the few trucks that
truly lives up to its name.
The Terminal Ferocity
team is comprised of a group of computer "enthusiasts" (though some
would call them hackers) who also have enough mechanical knowledge and
interest to run a monster truck. Their truck of choice is an old
Garza chassis clone from the northeast with an updated shock system and
a 2004 Chevy body. While the truck is consistent it also is
lagging behind the newer technology of trucks like The Ride and
OutRageous, which have been completely rebuilt as new trucks in the
last year. With the driver very much comfortable with the
suspension setup, the team is looking to other ways to increase
competitiveness. Always willing to try something new, the team showed
up at the SEMA show with a twin turbo, V-10 Chevy engine that shocked
the crowd and made the competition a tad nervous. While the team
has successfully tested the turbo setup, they are still restricted to
the supercharged ex-mud racer engine that the truck normally
runs. There are two reasons for this. First, there are turbo lag
issues which continue to aggrivate the team, though the team's
connections with World Rally engineers are bound to solve it. Second,
and more serious, is the rulebook, as supercharged V8's are still the
only allowed setup. The team is pushing for less engine
restrictions, and the competition is split on the idea. Some see
it as a great way to bring back the creativity and diversity the sport
once had, some see it as legalizing an unfair advantage that would make
thousands of dollars of equipment obsolete overnight, and some are
purely indifferent ("We'd still beat them, anyhow," a Mayhem Maker team
member is quoted as saying). Whatever the outcome, the Terminal
Ferocity team is sure to find a way to up the technology wars somehow.
A youth spent watching
Ivan Stewart, Rod Millen, and the like bashing around stadiums, and
hundreds of quarters pushed into Super Off-Road arcade games formed the
genesis of Off-Road Rage, currently the circuit's only import bodied
truck. The driver is an ex-off-road racer who was loved by fans
but reviled among drivers for excessively aggressive driving in the
short course series. Upset by the complaining from his fellow
racers, and lusting for the superstardom that the current situation in
off-road racing couldn't give him, he turned to monster trucks as a way
to achieve the stadium glory of his heroes, and to be allowed to drive
as aggressively as he wants to. Off-road fans who followed
him over approved, as did monster truck fans and even his monster truck
competition, and he has reached the upper eschelon of the sport very
quickly. This is also partly due to his truck, which was once a
classic southern superstar from the glory days of monster racing.
The frame has been upgraded and repainted, with a new bypass-shock
suspension system, and a 557 C.I. Chevy Rodeck provides all the power
he could want. The body came straight from the same fiberglass
shop that did Ivan Stewart's desert Toyota bodies, and despite being a
much older model, Toyota was quick to sign on as a sponsor, and PPI
gave him the go-ahead to run a modified version of the classic Ironman
paint job. Despite all of the success and several wins, both
racing and freestyle, the truck has yet to win a championship.
The driver is pleased with his accomplishments so far, but until he
wins the big prize, he'll continue to have a bad case of Off-Road Rage!

Despite being relatively new on the circuit, Alter Ego is driven by one
of the long time veterans of the series. He owned a previous Dodge
named "Ram Force" in the early 1990s, and was fairly successful.
However, he was infamous for acting as different characters during
interviews. A few other teams, who worried his quirkiness was giving
off too much of a professional wrestling vibe, managed to convince his
wife to urge him to take a psychological evaluation as a way of scaring
him straight. The wife agreed to do it as she hoped it would be a way
to get him out of racing, which she felt was too dangerous. Although
the tests proved he was perfectly sane, the Rorschach ink blot section
acted as an epiphany to him. He went home and put a for sale sign on
Ram Force, which pacified his wife. Until, that is, she saw the
$125,000 bill for a customer truck from the Gone Postal team. Drawing
on the false accusations of schitzophrenia, he named the new truck
Alter Ego and asked his painter to develop a unique ink blot design for
the new Ram body. Like other Dodges in the series, a massive 557 c.i.
Hemi powers the machine. The driver has kept up his interview schtick,
although he rarely gets to use it since it has been a tough transition
to the new truck, and his wins are now few and far between. Although
many fans regard the driver as past his prime, he still maintains a
moderately small but dedicated group of hardcore fans who call
themselves the "Egomaniacs" and defend him and his truck to the bitter
end. These are the people he plays to, as he always loves the chance to
display his Alter Ego.
Alter Ego!

The aftermath of a monster truck event can be a startlingly post-apocalyptic
scene, with cars and other road vehicles reduced to unrecognizable scrapheaps,
rusting away in a bleak, dirty landscape. It is here where Driven To Destruction looks most at home. A newer truck built by a fan of the
"Mad Max" movies, DTD, as fans call it, is adorned with abandoned cities,
lonely desert roads, and several direct references to the movies, including a silhouette of the iconic black Ford Falcon Interceptor. At one point,
even the engine, a 572 c.i. Ford SVO block, wore a replica of the Interceptor's
Scott Injection scoop, although the truck has since been upgraded to a modern injector. With a 2nd place championship finish in only it's second year, DTD
is already one of the premier racers on the circuit, but it's known by fans for
freestyle. The driver has leadfoot, almost suicidal style which is tough on equipment but electrifies the crowd and stays true to the truck's name.
With a new upgrade to a Posse-built chassis, the chances of the truck
holding up to the intense freestyles have risen dramatically. Like the
crazed prison escapee in the opening scenes of the movie, the driver
of this truck is indeed Driven to Destruction.
Driven To Destruction!

One of the long time veterans of the circuit, Gone Postal is one of the
most consistently popular trucks in the history of the series.
Conceived in the early 1990's as a converted Post Office Jeep which the
driver, a former frustrated mailman himself, had purchased in an
auction, the truck had a bouncy and by then outdated coil spring and
Rancho shock suspension and a name which was controversial at the time
due to lingering memories of recent events. The truck got an updated
full four-link suspension a few years later and became one of the top
runners in the sport. The truck was only recently remodeled with a new
frame and suspension, Hummer body (for, as the driver says, "The
ultimate urban assault vehicle look,") and a new paintjob which matches
the updated image of the United States Post Office. In recent years the
truck has joined OutRageous and Mayhem Maker as being more well known
for freestyle than for racing, though every year it manages to score
one major event victory. The Post Office despises the machine, claiming
it reinforces false stereotypes and violates trademarks (although a
judge has said differently); the driver says he supports postal workers
and it's the upper levels of management which the truck stands against.
Controversy aside, the truck remains a fan favorite, and the crowd
always gets on its feet when, in freestyle, the driver has finally Gone
Gone Postal!

When a rollercoaster forms the basis of a monster truck's identity, you
know what type of truck and driver you're dealing with. Such is the
case with Pandemonium, an adrenaline junkie's bright orange dream. When
the driver took a trip to a New England theme park and rode the
namesake coaster, which has cars that spin as they go around the track,
he knew instantly what his truck would look like and what his
cyclone-spinning freestyle hook would be. Powered by a massive 572 c.i.
Chrysler Hemi, the chassis is a Posse customer model, the first to see
actual competition (the So Cold display truck has yet to crush a car).
The 2005 Dodge Ram shortbed body is a bit small for the truck, and as a
result the truck looks rather ungainly, but it has the same performance
advantages as the Posse's own trucks. The tall look makes for some odd
looking cyclones, but the truck manages to stay planted. While racing
is hit or miss, freestyle is beyond solid and more and more often the
truck is placing higher than more well known freestylers like Mayhem
Maker and OutRageous. If nothing else, the truck is a great ad for the
chassis and proves that even misproportioned monsters can cause serious
Midori No Kaiju's driver got hired to do both research and promotion
for the national Ethanol program, she had no idea that two years later
she would be the newest monster truck driver on the circuit. Fresh out
of college, she was a smart, ambitious, and good looking
environmentalist who was fast tracked to the public eye as the young,
in touch spokeswoman of the program. Always looking to both promote the
fuel and demonstrate it's capabilities, she suggested that an Ethanol
powered monster truck would be a perfect fit. Her superiors agreed and
gave the go signal, but only if she drove the truck, thereby fulfilling
her promotional role. Several phone calls later, and she was at the
Posse compound, bounding around in the old Expect No Mercy under the
supervision of its regular driver. Having learned the basics,
construction began on the truck, which, thanks to GM sponsorship, took
the form of a 2007 Chevrolet Silverado shortbed, powered by a 572 cubic
inch Chevy big block modified to run on Ethanol. The truck was
originally going to be given the environmentally conscious name "Green
Monster", but when a big league baseball team and a audio component
maker both threatened lawsuits for trademark infringement, the driver
used her love of anime as inspiration and translated the old name into
Japanese. With the mid-season introduction, it's still much too
early to tell what both truck and driver are truly capable of.
Nevertheless, the fans love the truck, and are paying more attention to
both Ethanol and the environment; and in that sense, Midori No Kaiju is
already a success.
Midori No Kaiju!
other monster on the circuit is as much of a revolving door as
Dreadnaught. Since its inception, it has been bought and sold
seemingly every couple of years, with little success on the
track. The truck was initially a race version of the popular
Canadian-based leaf-sprung machine "Toronto Sabre". It was fairly
competitive in its first year, but the sponsors didn't come, and the
owner was left with little choice but to sell the operation to keep in
the black. Its new owner in the USA rechristened it "Dreadnaught"
and scored a few wins over as many seasons with the vehicle.
Health problems forced yet another sale, and the truck entered a decade
long period of changing hands from underfunded operation to underfunded
operation. Finally, in 2003, it was bought by the owner of a
regional auto parts chain, and got a tremendous influx of money and new
parts, which included the 2004 Chevy body, 557 c.i. engine, and very
modern suspension and drivetrain components. Of particular note
was the overhauled image of the truck, which gained it many new fans
and sold lots of t-shirts. The honeymoon was short-lived,
however. After a half-dozen drivers were unable to win without
threatening damage to the truck, the owner cut his losses and put it on
the market again. Finally, and perhaps fortunately, it found a
new, definitely capable, and potentially permanent home: the Terminal
Ferocity team. With a solid organization finally taking control
of the machine, Dreadnaught fans may now be able to truly fear nothing.
Controlled Demolition entered the series a few years ago, many newer
fans didn't realize that it was actually a re-entry. In fact, the
truck was fairly popular back in the late '80s, when it was
surprisingly competitive against better funded machines. Like
many trucks of the era, it was built to promote a business, and quickly
became the business itself. When the owner/driver began to spend
more time at the track than on construction sites, where his demolition
company worked, he decided it was time to step out of the cab and
quietly retired the truck. After spending many years away from
the sport, he attended a show and caught the bug again. This
time, control of the demolition company had passed onto one of his
kids, and he now had the means to bring his old ride back. He
spared no expense, either: the truck has a well-engineered low-cradle
chassis, bypass shocks, and a monster 572 c.i. Ford block to make
steam. Results weren't immediate - there was a definite learning
curve to getting back in the saddle - but by the end of the year both
man and machine had found their rhythm and were right back to where
they left off in racing, and unexpectedly stellar in freestyle.
More wins are coming, and it is becoming increasingly clear that the
competition may be due for a Controlled Demolition.
Download Controlled Demolition!
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paint designs, truck names, and logos Copyright 2004-2007 by Cale